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Blake Loves Gee Gee Equine!

What do you love most about your DeNiro boots and Gee Gee?

  • DeNiro boots are spectacular! The leather is so soft and luxurious, with endless design options. Gee Gee's client service is top notch- very responsive, helpful and knowledgeable. I'm loyal to Gee Gee and will buy all of my boots from Amanda.

How long have you been riding?

  • I learned how to ride as an adult, which is no small feat. A while back I did an exercise to identify my values. During this process I thought about what brought me joy as a kid and I wrote down "horses". Eventually, I started to explore where I might start taking riding lessons. Finally, I began learning to formally ride about 8 years ago, bought my own horse and have never looked back!

What is your profession?

  • I work at Google and have been in the online advertising and marketing space for over 25 years now. 

Tell us about your horse

  • Bendal is a 14 year old 17.2 hand Dutch Warmblood out of Sir Donnerhall Hall. I've had him for 8 years now. He is honest, talented, loves food and acts like he is a king. Bendal is cross trained in dressage, jumping, working equitation and enjoys trail riding. 

Riding goals?

  • My goals are to becomea dedicated and compassionate equestrian who continuously strives to learn and grow as a capable, confident and skilled rider. I want to be a knowledgeable horsewoman and ensure my horses receive the utmost care and devotion they deserve. While one of my long term goals is to get my bronze medal in dressage, it is more important to me to strive to be a kind, loyal, authentic friend and champion within my horse community.

Photographer:  Erin Gilmore